The members of our storytelling training institute/ platform represent a rich range of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences in the educational, media and corporate sector. However, they all share a deep belief in the transformative potential of stories. Ours is a thriving and welcoming community of storytellers, educators and home makers, who work together to bring myriad stories to life. In order to help people, especially women educators, mothers, professionals learn storytelling and complimentary creative teaching methods, our team designs initiatives such as conferences, trainings, workshops, seminars, along with our core offering- our tech platform for self-paced learning called Edusaarthiwebportal. While we value and work to preserve our oral and written storytelling traditions, we also leverage the power of technology to support our community far and beyond. Through the power of storytelling, we hope to help people connect with one another, preservecultural traditions while enable everyone to discover the joy of learning – the story way.